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File: OpenTransport.h
Contains: Open Transport client interface file. This contains all the client APIs
that are available to 68K clients on PowerPC machines running System 7.
Copyright: © 1993-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. and Mentat Inc., all rights reserved.
#ifndef SystemSevenOrLater
#define SystemSevenOrLater 1
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __STDDEF__
#include <stddef.h>
#if GENERATING68K && defined(__MWERKS__)
#pragma pointers_in_D0
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Define what functions look like
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define _CDECL
#define _MDECL
#if defined(__SC__) || defined(THINK_CPLUS) || defined(__MRC__)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#undef _CDECL
#undef _MDECL
#define _CDECL _cdecl
#define _MDECL _cdecl
typedef unsigned long uchar_p;
typedef unsigned long ushort_p;
typedef long short_p;
typedef long char_p;
typedef long boolean_p;
typedef long int_t;
typedef unsigned long uint_t;
typedef unsigned char uchar_p;
typedef unsigned short ushort_p;
typedef short short_p;
typedef char char_p;
typedef Boolean boolean_p;
typedef long int_t;
typedef unsigned long uint_t;
#ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
#include <MixedMode.h>
#ifndef OTKERNEL
#define OTKERNEL 0
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma import on
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
** Some prefixes for shared libraries
#define kOTLibraryVersion "1.1"
#define kOTLibraryPrefix "OTLib$"
#define kOTModulePrefix "OTModl$"
#define kOTClientPrefix "OTClnt$"
#define kOTKernelPrefix "OTKrnl$"
** Gestalt values for Open Transport
gestaltOpenTptVersions = 'otvr',
gestaltOpenTpt = 'otan',
gestaltOpenTptPresentMask = 0x00000001,
gestaltOpenTptLoadedMask = 0x00000002,
gestaltOpenTptAppleTalkPresentMask = 0x00000004,
gestaltOpenTptAppleTalkLoadedMask = 0x00000008,
gestaltOpenTptTCPPresentMask = 0x00000010,
gestaltOpenTptTCPLoadedMask = 0x00000020,
gestaltOpenTptIPXSPXPresentMask = 0x00000040,
gestaltOpenTptIPXSPXLoadedMask = 0x00000080,
gestaltOpenTptPresentBit = 0,
gestaltOpenTptLoadedBit = 1,
gestaltOpenTptAppleTalkPresentBit = 2,
gestaltOpenTptAppleTalkLoadedBit = 3,
gestaltOpenTptTCPPresentBit = 4,
gestaltOpenTptTCPLoadedBit = 5,
gestaltOpenTptIPXSPXPresentBit = 6,
gestaltOpenTptIPXSPXLoadedBit = 7
** Some typedefs used by the OpenTransport system
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miscellaneous typedefs
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt32 OTTimeout; /* A millisecond timeout value */
typedef long OTSequence; /* An ID number in connections/transactions */
typedef long OTNameID; /* An ID number for registered names */
typedef SInt32 OTReason; /* A protocol-specific reason code for failure */
/* Usually a Unix-style positive error code */
typedef UInt32 OTQLen; /* # outstanding connection requests at 1 time */
typedef void* OTClient; /* value describing a client */
typedef UInt8* OTClientName; /* Will become internationalizeable shortly */
typedef long OTCommand; /* The command code in STREAMS messages */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTOpenFlags - flags used for opening providers
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt32 OTOpenFlags;
O_ASYNC = 0x01,
O_NDELAY = 0x04,
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
StdCLib-style Error codes
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt16 OTUnixErr;
* There may be some error code confusions with other compiler vendor header
* files - However, these match both MPW and AIX definitions.
* We undefine the #defined ones we know about so that we can put them
* in an enum.
#undef EPERM
#undef ENOENT
#undef ENORSRC
#undef EINTR
#undef EIO
#undef ENXIO
#undef E2BIG
#undef EBADF
#undef EAGAIN
#undef ENOMEM
#undef EACCES
#undef EFAULT
#undef EBUSY
#undef EEXIST
#undef ENODEV
#undef EINVAL
#undef ENOTTY
#undef ERANGE
#undef ESRCH
#undef EPIPE
EPERM = 1, /* Permission denied */
ENOENT = 2, /* No such file or directory */
ENORSRC = 3, /* No such resource */
EINTR = 4, /* Interrupted system service */
EIO = 5, /* I/O error */
ENXIO = 6, /* No such device or address */
EBADF = 9, /* Bad file number */
EAGAIN = 11, /* Try operation again later */
ENOMEM = 12, /* Not enough space */
EACCES = 13, /* Permission denied */
EFAULT = 14, /* Bad address */
EBUSY = 16, /* Device or resource busy */
EEXIST = 17, /* File exists */
ENODEV = 19, /* No such device */
EINVAL = 22, /* Invalid argument */
ENOTTY = 25, /* Not a character device */
EPIPE = 32, /* Broken pipe */
ERANGE = 34, /* Math result not representable */
EDEADLK = 35, /* Call would block so was aborted */
EWOULDBLOCK = EDEADLK, /* Or a deadlock would occur */
ENOTSOCK = 38, /* Socket operation on non-socket */
EDESTADDRREQ = 39, /* Destination address required */
EMSGSIZE = 40, /* Message too long */
EPROTOTYPE = 41, /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
ENOPROTOOPT = 42, /* Protocol not available */
EPROTONOSUPPORT = 43, /* Protocol not supported */
ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 44, /* Socket type not supported */
EOPNOTSUPP = 45, /* Operation not supported on socket */
EADDRINUSE = 48, /* Address already in use */
EADDRNOTAVAIL = 49, /* Can't assign requested address */
ENETDOWN = 50, /* Network is down */
ENETUNREACH = 51, /* Network is unreachable */
ENETRESET = 52, /* Network dropped connection on reset */
ECONNABORTED = 53, /* Software caused connection abort */
ECONNRESET = 54, /* Connection reset by peer */
ENOBUFS = 55, /* No buffer space available */
EISCONN = 56, /* Socket is already connected */
ENOTCONN = 57, /* Socket is not connected */
ESHUTDOWN = 58, /* Can't send after socket shutdown */
ETOOMANYREFS = 59, /* Too many references: can't splice */
ETIMEDOUT = 60, /* Connection timed out */
ECONNREFUSED = 61, /* Connection refused */
EHOSTDOWN = 64, /* Host is down */
EHOSTUNREACH = 65, /* No route to host */
EPROTO = 70,
ETIME = 71,
ENOSR = 72,
ENOSTR = 75,
ESRCH = 78,
ENOMSG = 79,
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Open Transport/XTI Error codes
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt16 OTXTIErr;
TSUCCESS = 0, /* No Error occurred */
TBADADDR = 1, /* A Bad address was specified */
TBADOPT = 2, /* A Bad option was specified */
TACCES = 3, /* Missing access permission */
TBADF = 4, /* Bad provider reference */
TNOADDR = 5, /* No address was specified */
TOUTSTATE = 6, /* Call issued in wrong state */
TBADSEQ = 7, /* Sequence specified does not exist */
TSYSERR = 8, /* A system error occurred */
TLOOK = 9, /* An event occurred - call Look() */
TBADDATA = 10, /* An illegal amount of data was specified */
TBUFOVFLW = 11, /* Passed buffer not big enough */
TFLOW = 12, /* Provider is flow-controlled */
TNODATA = 13, /* No data available for reading */
TNODIS = 14, /* No disconnect indication available */
TNOUDERR = 15, /* No Unit Data Error indication available */
TBADFLAG = 16, /* A Bad flag value was supplied */
TNOREL = 17, /* No orderly release indication available */
TNOTSUPPORT = 18, /* Command is not supported */
TSTATECHNG = 19, /* State is changing - try again later */
TNOSTRUCTYPE = 20, /* Bad structure type requested for OTAlloc */
TBADNAME = 21, /* A bad endpoint name was supplied */
TBADQLEN = 22, /* A Bind to an in-use address with qlen > 0*/
TADDRBUSY = 23, /* Address requested is already in use */
TINDOUT = 24, /* Accept failed because of pending listen */
TPROVMISMATCH = 25, /* Tried to accept on incompatible endpoint */
TQFULL = 28,
TPROTO = 29, /* An unspecified provider error occurred */
TBADSYNC = 30, /* A synchronous call at interrupt time */
TCANCELED = 31, /* The command was cancelled */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standard negative error codes conforming to both the Open Transport/XTI
errors and the Exxxxx StdCLib errors.
These are returned as OSStatus' from functions, and to the OTResult parameter
of a notification function or method. However, OTResult may sometimes
contain other values depending on the notification.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef SInt32 OTResult;
* These map the Open Transport/XTI errors (the Txxxx error codes), and the
* StdCLib Exxxx error codes into unique spaces in the Apple OSStatus space.
#define XTI2OSStatus(x) (-3149 - (x))
#define E2OSStatus(x) (-3199 - (x))
#define OSStatus2XTI(x) ((OTXTIErr)(-3149 - (x)))
#define OSStatus2E(x) ((OTUnixErr)(-3199 - (x)))
#define IsXTIError(x) ((x) < -3149 && (x) >= (-3149 - TLASTXTIERROR))
#define IsEError(x) ((x) < -3199 && (x) >= (-3199 - ELASTERRNO))
kOTNoError = (OSStatus)0, /* No Error occurred */
kOTOutOfMemoryErr = -3211,
kOTNotFoundErr = -3201,
kOTDuplicateFoundErr = -3216,
* Remapped XTI error codes
kOTBadAddressErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADADDR), /* -3150 A Bad address was specified */
kOTBadOptionErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADOPT), /* -3151 A Bad option was specified */
kOTAccessErr = XTI2OSStatus(TACCES), /* -3152 Missing access permission */
kOTBadReferenceErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADF), /* -3153 Bad provider reference */
kOTNoAddressErr = XTI2OSStatus(TNOADDR), /* -3154 No address was specified */
kOTOutStateErr = XTI2OSStatus(TOUTSTATE), /* -3155 Call issued in wrong state */
kOTBadSequenceErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADSEQ), /* -3156 Sequence specified does not exist */
kOTSysErrorErr = XTI2OSStatus(TSYSERR), /* -3157 A system error occurred */
kOTLookErr = XTI2OSStatus(TLOOK), /* -3158 An event occurred - call Look() */
kOTBadDataErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADDATA), /* -3159 An illegal amount of data was specified */
kOTBufferOverflowErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBUFOVFLW), /* -3160 Passed buffer not big enough */
kOTFlowErr = XTI2OSStatus(TFLOW), /* -3161 Provider is flow-controlled */
kOTNoDataErr = XTI2OSStatus(TNODATA), /* -3162 No data available for reading */
kOTNoDisconnectErr = XTI2OSStatus(TNODIS), /* -3163 No disconnect indication available */
kOTNoUDErrErr = XTI2OSStatus(TNOUDERR), /* -3164 No Unit Data Error indication available */
kOTBadFlagErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADFLAG), /* -3165 A Bad flag value was supplied */
kOTNoReleaseErr = XTI2OSStatus(TNOREL), /* -3166 No orderly release indication available */
kOTNotSupportedErr = XTI2OSStatus(TNOTSUPPORT), /* -3167 Command is not supported */
kOTStateChangeErr = XTI2OSStatus(TSTATECHNG), /* -3168 State is changing - try again later */
kOTNoStructureTypeErr = XTI2OSStatus(TNOSTRUCTYPE), /* -3169 Bad structure type requested for OTAlloc */
kOTBadNameErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADNAME), /* -3170 A bad endpoint name was supplied */
kOTBadQLenErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADQLEN), /* -3171 A Bind to an in-use addr with qlen > 0 */
kOTAddressBusyErr = XTI2OSStatus(TADDRBUSY), /* -3172 Address requested is already in use */
kOTIndOutErr = XTI2OSStatus(TINDOUT), /* -3173 Accept failed because of pending listen */
kOTProviderMismatchErr = XTI2OSStatus(TPROVMISMATCH), /* -3174 Tried to accept on incompatible endpoint */
kOTResQLenErr = XTI2OSStatus(TRESQLEN), /* -3175 */
kOTResAddressErr = XTI2OSStatus(TRESADDR), /* -3176 */
kOTQFullErr = XTI2OSStatus(TQFULL), /* -3177 */
kOTProtocolErr = XTI2OSStatus(TPROTO), /* -3178 An unspecified provider error occurred */
kOTBadSyncErr = XTI2OSStatus(TBADSYNC), /* -3179 A synchronous call at interrupt time */
kOTCanceledErr = XTI2OSStatus(TCANCELED), /* -3180 The command was cancelled */
* Remapped StdCLib error codes.
kEPERMErr = -3200, /* Permission denied */
kENOENTErr = -3201, /* No such file or directory */
kENORSRCErr = -3202, /* No such resource */
kEINTRErr = -3203, /* Interrupted system service */
kEIOErr = -3204, /* I/O error */
kENXIOErr = -3205, /* No such device or address */
kEBADFErr = -3208, /* Bad file number */
kEAGAINErr = -3210, /* Try operation again later */
kENOMEMErr = -3211, /* Not enough space */
kEACCESErr = -3212, /* Permission denied */
kEFAULTErr = -3213, /* Bad address */
kEBUSYErr = -3215, /* Device or resource busy */
kEEXISTErr = -3216, /* File exists */
kENODEVErr = -3218, /* No such device */
kEINVALErr = -3221, /* Invalid argument */
kENOTTYErr = -3224, /* Not a character device */
kEPIPEErr = -3231, /* Broken pipe */
kERANGEErr = -3233, /* Message size too large for STREAM */
kEWOULDBLOCKErr = -3234, /* Call would block, so was aborted */
kEDEADLKErr = -3234, /* or a deadlock would occur */
kEALREADYErr = -3236, /* */
kENOTSOCKErr = -3237, /* Socket operation on non-socket */
kEDESTADDRREQErr = -3238, /* Destination address required */
kEMSGSIZEErr = -3239, /* Message too long */
kEPROTOTYPEErr = -3240, /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
kENOPROTOOPTErr = -3241, /* Protocol not available */
kEPROTONOSUPPORTErr = -3242, /* Protocol not supported */
kESOCKTNOSUPPORTErr = -3243, /* Socket type not supported */
kEOPNOTSUPPErr = -3244, /* Operation not supported on socket */
kEADDRINUSEErr = -3247, /* Address already in use */
kEADDRNOTAVAILErr = -3248, /* Can't assign requested address */
kENETDOWNErr = -3249, /* Network is down */
kENETUNREACHErr = -3250, /* Network is unreachable */
kENETRESETErr = -3251, /* Network dropped connection on reset */
kECONNABORTEDErr = -3252, /* Software caused connection abort */
kECONNRESETErr = -3253, /* Connection reset by peer */
kENOBUFSErr = -3254, /* No buffer space available */
kEISCONNErr = -3255, /* Socket is already connected */
kENOTCONNErr = -3256, /* Socket is not connected */
kESHUTDOWNErr = -3257, /* Can't send after socket shutdown */
kETOOMANYREFSErr = -3258, /* Too many references: can't splice */
kETIMEDOUTErr = -3259, /* Connection timed out */
kECONNREFUSEDErr = -3260, /* Connection refused */
kEHOSTDOWNErr = -3263, /* Host is down */
kEHOSTUNREACHErr = -3264, /* No route to host */
kEPROTOErr = -3269, /* */
kETIMEErr = -3270, /* */
kENOSRErr = -3271, /* */
kEBADMSGErr = -3272, /* */
kECANCELErr = -3273, /* */
kENOSTRErr = -3274, /* */
kENODATAErr = -3275, /* */
kEINPROGRESSErr = -3276, /* */
kESRCHErr = -3277, /* */
kENOMSGErr = -3278, /* */
kOTClientNotInittedErr = -3279,
kOTPortHasDiedErr = -3280,
kOTPortWasEjectedErr = -3281,
kOTBadConfigurationErr = -3282,
kOTConfigurationChangedErr = -3283,
kOTUserRequestedErr = -3284,
kOTPortLostConnection = -3285
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTAddressType - defines the address type for the OTAddress
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt16 OTAddressType;
kOTGenericName = 0
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTAddress - Generic OpenTransport protocol address
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct OTAddress
OTAddressType fAddressType;
UInt8 fAddress[1];
typedef struct OTAddress OTAddress;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTStructType - defines the structure type for the OTAlloc call
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt32 OTStructType;
T_BIND = (OTStructType)1,
T_OPTMGMT = (OTStructType)2,
T_CALL = (OTStructType)3,
T_DIS = (OTStructType)4,
T_UNITDATA = (OTStructType)5,
T_UDERROR = (OTStructType)6,
T_INFO = (OTStructType)7,
T_REPLYDATA = (OTStructType)8,
T_REQUESTDATA = (OTStructType)9,
T_UNITREQUEST = (OTStructType)10,
T_UNITREPLY = (OTStructType)11
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTFlags - flags for sending and receiving data
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt32 OTFlags;
T_MORE = 0x001, /* More data to come in message */
T_EXPEDITED = 0x002, /* Data is expedited, if possible */
T_ACKNOWLEDGED = 0x004, /* Acknowledge transaction */
T_PARTIALDATA = 0x008, /* Partial data - more coming */
T_NORECEIPT = 0x010, /* No event on transaction done */
T_TIMEDOUT = 0x020 /* Reply timed out */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTBand - a band value when reading priority messages
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt32 OTBand; /* A priority band value */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference values
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef struct TProvider* ProviderRef;
typedef struct TEndpoint* EndpointRef;
typedef struct TMapper* MapperRef;
typedef void* ProviderRef;
typedef void* EndpointRef;
typedef void* MapperRef;
kOTInvalidRef = 0
#define kOTInvalidProviderRef ((ProviderRef)0)
#define kOTInvalidEndpointRef ((EndpointRef)0)
#define kOTInvalidMapperRef ((MapperRef)0)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTEventCode values for Open Transport - These are the event codes that
are sent to notification routine during asynchronous processing.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt32 OTEventCode;
* Function definition to handle notification from providers
* This is never a UniversalProcPtr.
typedef pascal void (*OTNotifyProcPtr)(void* contextPtr, OTEventCode code,
OTResult result, void* cookie);
* These will be returned by the T_LOOK function, or will be returned
* if asynchronous notification is used.
T_LISTEN = (OTEventCode)0x0001, /* An connection request is available */
T_CONNECT = (OTEventCode)0x0002, /* Confirmation of a connect request */
T_DATA = (OTEventCode)0x0004, /* Standard data is available */
T_EXDATA = (OTEventCode)0x0008, /* Expedited data is available */
T_DISCONNECT = (OTEventCode)0x0010, /* A disconnect is available */
T_ERROR = (OTEventCode)0x0020, /* obsolete/unused in library */
T_UDERR = (OTEventCode)0x0040, /* A Unit Data Error has occurred */
T_ORDREL = (OTEventCode)0x0080, /* An orderly release is available */
T_GODATA = (OTEventCode)0x0100, /* Flow control lifted on standard data */
T_GOEXDATA = (OTEventCode)0x0200, /* Flow control lifted on expedited data*/
T_REQUEST = (OTEventCode)0x0400, /* An Incoming request is available */
T_REPLY = (OTEventCode)0x0800, /* An Incoming reply is available */
T_PASSCON = (OTEventCode)0x1000, /* State is now T_DATAXFER */
T_RESET = (OTEventCode)0x2000, /* Protocol has been reset */
* kPRIVATEEVENT + 1 through kPRIVATEEVENT + 0xffff
* may be used for any private event codes desired.
* All other event codes are reserved for Apple Computer, Inc.
* use only.
kPRIVATEEVENT = (OTEventCode)0x10000000,
* These are only returned if asynchronous notification is being used
kCOMPLETEEVENT = (OTEventCode)0x20000000,
T_BINDCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000001, /* Bind call is complete */
T_UNBINDCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000002, /* Unbind call is complete */
T_ACCEPTCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000003, /* Accept call is complete */
T_REPLYCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000004, /* SendReply call is complete */
T_DISCONNECTCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000005, /* Disconnect call is complete */
T_OPTMGMTCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000006, /* OptMgmt call is complete */
T_OPENCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000007, /* An Open call is complete */
T_GETPROTADDRCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000008, /* GetProtAddress call is complete */
T_RESOLVEADDRCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x20000009, /* A ResolveAddress call is complet */
T_GETINFOCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x2000000A, /* A GetInfo call is complete */
T_SYNCCOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x2000000B, /* A Sync call is complete */
T_MEMORYRELEASED = (OTEventCode)0x2000000C, /* No-copy memory was released */
T_REGNAMECOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x2000000D, /* A RegisterName call is complete */
T_DELNAMECOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x2000000E, /* A DeleteName call is complete */
T_LKUPNAMECOMPLETE = (OTEventCode)0x2000000F, /* A LookupName call is complete */
T_LKUPNAMERESULT = (OTEventCode)0x20000010, /* A LookupName is returning a name */
kOTSyncIdleEvent = (OTEventCode)0x20000011, /* Synchronous call Idle event */
* These are events you get using the STREAMS functions like
* IOCtl, PutMessage, and GetMessage
kSTREAMEVENT = (OTEventCode)0x21000000,
kGetmsgEvent = (OTEventCode)0x21000002, /* A GetMessage call is complete */
kStreamReadEvent = (OTEventCode)0x21000003, /* A Read call is complete */
kStreamWriteEvent = (OTEventCode)0x21000004, /* A Write call is complete */
kStreamIoctlEvent = (OTEventCode)0x21000005, /* An Ioctl call is complete */
kStreamOpenEvent = (OTEventCode)0x21000007, /* An OpenStream call is complete */
kPollEvent = (OTEventCode)0x21000008, /* A Poll call is complete */
kSIGNALEVENT = (OTEventCode)0x22000000, /* A signal has arrived from the STREAM */
kPROTOCOLEVENT = (OTEventCode)0x23000000, /* Some event from the protocols */
* These are miscellaneous events that could be sent to a provider
kOTProviderIsDisconnected = (OTEventCode)0x23000001, /* Provider is temporarily off-line */
kOTProviderIsReconnected = (OTEventCode)0x23000002, /* Provider is now back on-line */
* These are system events sent to each provider.
kOTProviderWillClose = (OTEventCode)0x24000001, /* Provider will close immediately */
kOTProviderIsClosed = (OTEventCode)0x24000002, /* Provider was closed */
* These are system events sent to registered clients
// result code is 0, cookie is the OTPortRef
kOTPortDisabled = (OTEventCode)0x25000001, /* Port is now disabled */
kOTPortEnabled = (OTEventCode)0x25000002, /* Port is now enabled */
kOTPortOffline = (OTEventCode)0x25000003, /* Port is now offline */
kOTPortOnline = (OTEventCode)0x25000004, /* Port is now online */
// result is a reason for the close request, cookie is a pointer to the
// OTPortCloseStruct structure.
kOTClosePortRequest = (OTEventCode)0x25000005, /* Request to close/yield */
kOTYieldPortRequest = (OTEventCode)0x25000005, /* Request to close/yield */
// A new port has been registered, cookie is the OTPortRef
kOTNewPortRegistered = (OTEventCode)0x25000006, /* New port has been registered */
* These are events sent to the configuration management infrastructure
kOTConfigurationChanged = (OTEventCode)0x26000001, /* Protocol configuration changed */
kOTSystemSleep = (OTEventCode)0x26000002,
kOTSystemShutdown = (OTEventCode)0x26000003,
kOTSystemAwaken = (OTEventCode)0x26000004,
kOTSystemIdle = (OTEventCode)0x26000005,
kOTSystemSleepPrep = (OTEventCode)0x26000006,
kOTSystemShutdownPrep = (OTEventCode)0x26000007,
kOTSystemAwakenPrep = (OTEventCode)0x26000008
#define IsOTPrivateEvent(x) (((x) & 0x70000000L) == kPRIVATEEVENT)
#define IsOTCompleteEvent(x) (((x) & 0x7f000000L) == kCOMPLETEEVENT)
#define IsOTProtocolEvent(x) (((x) & 0x7f000000L) == kPROTOCOLEVENT)
#define IsOTStreamEvent(x) (((x) & 0x7f000000L) == kSTREAMEVENT)
#define IsOTSignalEvent(x) (((x) & 0x7f000000L) == kSIGNALEVENT)
#define GetOTEventCode(x) (x)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signals that are generated by a stream. Add these values to
kSIGNALEVENT to determine what event you are receiving.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
SIGURG = 16,
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Management equates
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
** The XTI Level number of a protocol
typedef UInt32 OTXTILevel;
XTI_GENERIC = (OTXTILevel)0xffff /* level to match any protocol */
** The XTI name of a protocol option
typedef UInt32 OTXTIName;
* XTI names for options used with XTI_GENERIC above
XTI_DEBUG = (OTXTIName)0x0001,
XTI_LINGER = (OTXTIName)0x0080,
XTI_RCVBUF = (OTXTIName)0x1002,
XTI_SNDBUF = (OTXTIName)0x1001,
* Generic options that can be used with any protocol
* that understands them
OPT_CHECKSUM = (OTXTIName)0x0600, // Set checksumming = UInt32 - 0 or 1)
OPT_RETRYCNT = (OTXTIName)0x0601, // Set a retry counter = UInt32 (0 = infinite)
OPT_INTERVAL = (OTXTIName)0x0602, // Set a retry interval = UInt32 milliseconds
OPT_ENABLEEOM = (OTXTIName)0x0603, // Enable the EOM indication = UInt8 (0 or 1)
OPT_SELFSEND = (OTXTIName)0x0604, // Enable Self-sending on broadcasts = UInt32 (0 or 1)
OPT_SERVERSTATUS= (OTXTIName)0x0605, // Set Server Status (format is proto dependent)
OPT_ALERTENABLE = (OTXTIName)0x0606, // Enable/Disable protocol alerts
OPT_KEEPALIVE = (OTXTIName)0x0008 // See t_keepalive structure
** Definitions not associated with a Typedef
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOCTL values for the OpenTransport system
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define MIOC_CMD(t,v) ((((t)&0xFF) << 8) | ((v)&0xFF))
MIOC_STREAMIO = 'A', /* Basic Stream ioctl() cmds - I_PUSH, I_LOOK, etc. */
MIOC_STRLOG = 'b', /* ioctl's for Mentat's log device */
MIOC_SAD = 'g', /* ioctl's for Mentat's sad module */
MIOC_TCP = 'k', /* tcp.h ioctl's */
MIOC_DLPI = 'l', /* dlpi.h additions */
MIOC_OT = 'O', /* ioctls for Open Transport */
MIOC_ATALK = 'T', /* ioctl's for AppleTalk */
MIOC_SRL = 'U', /* ioctl's for Serial */
MIOC_CFIG = 'z' /* ioctl's for private configuration */
I_OTGetMiscellaneousEvents = ((MIOC_OT << 8) | 1), /* sign up for Misc Events */
I_OTSetFramingType = ((MIOC_OT << 8) | 2), /* Set framing option for link */
kOTGetFramingValue = 0xffffffff, /* Use this value to read framing */
I_OTSetRawMode = ((MIOC_OT << 8) | 3), /* Set raw mode for link */
kOTSetRecvMode = 0x1,
kOTSendErrorPacket = 0x2,
I_OTConnect = ((MIOC_OT << 8) | 4), /* Generic connect request for links */
I_OTDisconnect = ((MIOC_OT << 8) | 5), /* Generic disconnect request for links */
I_OTScript = ((MIOC_OT << 8) | 6) /* Send a script to a module */
* Structure for the I_OTScript Ioctl.
struct OTScriptInfo
UInt32 fScriptType;
void* fTheScript;
UInt32 fScriptLength;
typedef struct OTScriptInfo OTScriptInfo;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maximum size of a provider name, and maximum size of a STREAM module name.
This module name is smaller than the maximum size of a TProvider to allow
for 4 characters of extra "minor number" information that might be
potentially in a TProvider name
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
kMaxModuleNameLength = 31,
kMaxModuleNameSize = kMaxModuleNameLength + 1,
kMaxProviderNameLength = kMaxModuleNameLength + 4,
kMaxProviderNameSize = kMaxProviderNameLength + 1,
kMaxSlotIDLength = 7,
kMaxSlotIDSize = 8,
kMaxResourceInfoLength = 31,
kMaxResourceInfoSize = 32
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
These values are used in the "fields" parameter of the OTAlloc call
to define which fields of the structure should be allocated.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
T_ADDR = 0x01,
T_OPT = 0x02,
T_UDATA = 0x04,
T_ALL = 0xffff
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
These are the potential values returned by OTGetEndpointState and OTSync
which represent the state of an endpoint
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
T_UNINIT = 0, /* addition to standard xti.h */
T_UNBND = 1, /* unbound */
T_IDLE = 2, /* idle */
T_OUTCON = 3, /* outgoing connection pending */
T_INCON = 4, /* incoming connection pending */
T_DATAXFER = 5, /* data transfer */
T_OUTREL = 6, /* outgoing orderly release */
T_INREL = 7 /* incoming orderly release */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flags used by option management calls to request services
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
T_NEGOTIATE = 0x004,
T_CHECK = 0x008,
T_DEFAULT = 0x010,
T_CURRENT = 0x080
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flags used by option management calls to return results
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
T_SUCCESS = 0x020,
T_FAILURE = 0x040,
T_READONLY = 0x200,
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
General definitions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
T_YES = 1,
T_NO = 0,
T_UNUSED = -1,
T_NULL = 0,
T_ABSREQ = 0x8000
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Management definitions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
T_UNSPEC = (~0 - 2),
// This macro will align return the value of "len", rounded up to the next
// 4-byte boundary.
#define T_ALIGN(len) (((UInt32)(len)+(sizeof(SInt32)-1)) & ~(sizeof(SInt32)-1))
// This macro will return the next option in the buffer, given the previous option
// in the buffer, returning NULL if there are no more.
// You start off by setting prevOption = (TOption*)theBuffer
// (Use OTNextOption for a more thorough check - it ensures the end
// of the option is in the buffer as well.)
#define OPT_NEXTHDR(theBuffer, theBufLen, prevOption) \
(((char*)(prevOption) + T_ALIGN((prevOption)->len) < (char*)(theBuffer) + (theBufLen)) ? \
(TOption*)((char*)(prevOption)+T_ALIGN((prevOption)->len)) \
: (TOption*)NULL)
** Structures and forward declarations
** From here on down, all structures are aligned the same on 68K and powerpc
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTConfiguration structure - this is a "black box" structure used to
define the configuration of a provider or endpoint.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct OTConfiguration;
typedef struct OTConfiguration OTConfiguration;
#define kOTInvalidConfigurationPtr ((OTConfiguration*)-1L)
#define kOTNoMemoryConfigurationPtr ((OTConfiguration*)0)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Management structures
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Structure used with OPT_KEEPALIVE option.
struct t_kpalive
long kp_onoff; /* option on/off */
long kp_timeout; /* timeout in minutes */
typedef struct t_kpalive t_kpalive;
* Structure used with XTI_LINGER option
struct t_linger
long l_onoff; /* option on/off */
long l_linger; /* linger time */
typedef struct t_linger t_linger;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEndpointInfo - this structure is returned from the GetEndpointInfo call
and contains information about an endpoint
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct t_info
SInt32 addr; /* Maximum size of an address */
SInt32 options; /* Maximum size of options */
SInt32 tsdu; /* Standard data transmit unit size */
SInt32 etsdu; /* Expedited data transmit unit size */
SInt32 connect; /* Maximum data size on connect */
SInt32 discon; /* Maximum data size on disconnect */
UInt32 servtype; /* service type (see below for values) */
UInt32 flags; /* Flags (see below for values) */
typedef struct t_info TEndpointInfo;
* Values returned in servtype field of TEndpointInfo
T_COTS = 1, /* Connection-mode service */
T_COTS_ORD = 2, /* Connection service with orderly release */
T_CLTS = 3, /* Connectionless-mode service */
T_TRANS = 5, /* Connection-mode transaction service */
T_TRANS_ORD = 6, /* Connection transaction service with orderly release */
T_TRANS_CLTS = 7 /* Connectionless transaction service */
* Values returned in flags field of TEndpointInfo
T_SENDZERO = 0x001, /* supports 0-length TSDU's */
T_XPG4_1 = 0x002, /* supports the GetProtAddress call */
T_CAN_SUPPORT_MDATA = 0x10000000, /* support M_DATAs on packet protocols */
T_CAN_RESOLVE_ADDR = 0x40000000, /* Supports ResolveAddress call */
T_CAN_SUPPLY_MIB = 0x20000000 /* Supports SNMP MIB data */
* Values returned in tsdu, etsdu, connect, and discon fields of TEndpointInfo
T_INFINITE = -1, /* supports infinit amounts of data */
T_INVALID = -2 /* Does not support data transmission */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Unique identifier for a port
typedef UInt32 OTPortRef;
* A couple of special values for the "port type" in an OTPortRef.
* See OpenTptLinks.h for other values.
* The device kOTPseudoDevice is used where no other defined
* device type will work.
kOTNoDeviceType = 0,
kOTPseudoDevice = 1023,
kOTLastDeviceIndex = 1022,
kOTLastSlotNumber = 255,
kOTLastOtherNumber = 255
* kMaxPortNameLength is the maximum size allowed to define
* a port
kMaxPortNameLength = kMaxModuleNameLength + 4,
kMaxPortNameSize = kMaxPortNameLength + 1
kOTInvalidPortRef = ((OTPortRef)0)
* Equates for the legal Bus-type values
kOTUnknownBusPort = 0,
kOTMotherboardBus = 1,
kOTNuBus = 2,
kOTPCIBus = 3,
kOTGeoPort = 4,
kOTPCCardBus = 5,
kOTFireWireBus = 6,
kOTLastBusIndex = 15
struct OTPortCloseStruct
OTPortRef fPortRef; // The port requested to be closed.
ProviderRef fTheProvider; // The provider using the port.
OSStatus fDenyReason; // Set to a negative number to deny the request
typedef struct OTPortCloseStruct OTPortCloseStruct;
extern pascal OTPortRef OTCreatePortRef(UInt8 busType, UInt16 devType,
UInt16 slot, UInt16 other);
extern pascal UInt16 OTGetDeviceTypeFromPortRef(OTPortRef ref);
extern pascal UInt16 OTGetBusTypeFromPortRef(OTPortRef ref);
extern pascal UInt16 OTGetSlotFromPortRef(OTPortRef ref, UInt16* other);
extern pascal OTPortRef OTSetDeviceTypeInPortRef(OTPortRef ref, UInt16 devType);
extern pascal OTPortRef OTSetBusTypeInPortRef(OTPortRef ref, UInt8 busType);
#define OTCreateNuBusPortRef(devType, slot, other) \
OTCreatePortRef(kOTNuBus, devType, slot, other)
#define OTCreatePCIPortRef(devType, slot, other) \
OTCreatePortRef(kOTPCIBus, devType, slot, other)
#define OTCreatePCMCIAPortRef(devType, slot, other) \
OTCreatePortRef(kOTPCMCIABus, devType, slot, other)
* One OTPortRecord is created for each instance of a port.
* For Instance 'enet' identifies an ethernet port.
* A TPortRecord for each ethernet card it finds, with an
* OTPortRef that will uniquely allow the driver to determine which
* port it is supposed to open on.
struct OTPortRecord
OTPortRef fRef;
UInt32 fPortFlags;
UInt32 fInfoFlags;
UInt32 fCapabilities;
size_t fNumChildPorts;
OTPortRef* fChildPorts;
char fPortName[kMaxProviderNameSize];
char fModuleName[kMaxModuleNameSize];
char fSlotID[kMaxSlotIDSize];
char fResourceInfo[kMaxResourceInfoSize];
char fReserved[164];
typedef struct OTPortRecord OTPortRecord;
* Values for the fInfoFlags field of OTPortRecord
* kOTPortCanYield and kOTPortCanArbitrate
* will not be set until the port is used for the first time.
kOTPortIsDLPI = 0x00000001,
kOTPortIsTPI = 0x00000002,
kOTPortCanYield = 0x00000004,
kOTPortCanArbitrate = 0x00000008,
kOTPortIsTransitory = 0x00000010,
kOTPortAutoConnects = 0x00000020,
kOTPortIsSystemRegistered = 0x00004000,
kOTPortIsPrivate = 0x00008000,
kOTPortIsAlias = 0x80000000
* Values for the fPortFlags field of TPortRecord
* If no bits are set, the port is currently inactive.
kOTPortIsActive = 0x00000001,
kOTPortIsDisabled = 0x00000002,
kOTPortIsUnavailable = 0x00000004,
kOTPortIsOffline = 0x00000008
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOptionHeader and TOption
This structure describes the contents of a single option in a buffer
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TOptionHeader
UInt32 len; /* total length of option */
/* = sizeof(TOptionHeader) + length */
/* of option value in bytes */
OTXTILevel level; /* protocol affected */
OTXTIName name; /* option name */
UInt32 status; /* status value */
typedef struct TOptionHeader TOptionHeader;
struct TOption
UInt32 len; /* total length of option */
/* = sizeof(TOption) + length */
/* of option value in bytes */
OTXTILevel level; /* protocol affected */
OTXTIName name; /* option name */
UInt32 status; /* status value */
UInt32 value[1]; /* data goes here */
typedef struct TOption TOption;
kOTOptionHeaderSize = sizeof(TOptionHeader),
kOTBooleanOptionDataSize = sizeof(UInt32),
kOTBooleanOptionSize = kOTOptionHeaderSize + kOTBooleanOptionDataSize,
kOTOneByteOptionSize = kOTOptionHeaderSize + 1,
kOTTwoByteOptionSize = kOTOptionHeaderSize + 2,
kOTFourByteOptionSize = kOTOptionHeaderSize + sizeof(UInt32)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTClientList structure
This is used with the OTYieldPortRequest function.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct OTClientList
size_t fNumClients;
UInt8 fBuffer[4];
typedef struct OTClientList OTClientList;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a structure that may be used in a TNetbuf or netbuf to send
non-contiguous data. Set the 'len' field of the netbuf to the
constant kNetbufDataIsOTData to signal that the 'buf' field of the
netbuf actually points to one of these structures instead of a
memory buffer.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct OTData
void* fNext;
void* fData;
size_t fLen;
typedef struct OTData OTData;
kNetbufDataIsOTData = (size_t)0xfffffffeU
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is the structure that is used for no-copy receives.
When you are done with it, you must call the OTReleaseBuffer function.
For best performance, you need to call OTReleaseBuffer quickly. Only
data netbufs may use this - no netbufs for addresses or options, or the like.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct OTBuffer OTBuffer;
struct OTBuffer
void* fLink; // b_next & b_prev
void* fLink2;
OTBuffer* fNext; // b_cont
UInt8* fData; // b_rptr
size_t fLen; // b_wptr
void* fSave; // b_datap
UInt8 fBand; // b_band
UInt8 fType; // b_pad1
UInt8 fPad1;
UInt8 fFlags; // b_flag
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This structure is used with OTReadBuffer to keep track of where you
are in the buffer, since the OTBuffer is "read-only".
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct OTBufferInfo
OTBuffer* fBuffer;
size_t fOffset;
UInt8 fPad;
typedef struct OTBufferInfo OTBufferInfo;
#define OTInitBufferInfo(infoPtr, theBuffer) \
(infoPtr)->fBuffer = theBuffer; \
(infoPtr)->fPad = (theBuffer)->fPad1; \
(infoPtr)->fOffset = 0
kOTNetbufDataIsOTBufferStar = (size_t)0xfffffffdU
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This structure is the basic structure used to pass data back and forth
between the Open Transport protocols and their clients
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TNetbuf
size_t maxlen;
size_t len;
UInt8* buf;
typedef struct TNetbuf TNetbuf;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to GetProtAddress, ResolveAddress and Bind
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TBind
TNetbuf addr;
OTQLen qlen;
typedef struct TBind TBind;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to RcvDisconnect to find out additional information
about the disconnect
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TDiscon
TNetbuf udata;
OTReason reason;
OTSequence sequence;
typedef struct TDiscon TDiscon;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to Connect, RcvConnect, Listen, Accept, and
SndDisconnect to describe the connection.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TCall
TNetbuf addr;
TNetbuf opt;
TNetbuf udata;
OTSequence sequence;
typedef struct TCall TCall;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to SndUData and RcvUData to describe the datagram
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TUnitData
TNetbuf addr;
TNetbuf opt;
TNetbuf udata;
typedef struct TUnitData TUnitData;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to RcvUDErr to find out about a datagram error
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TUDErr
TNetbuf addr;
TNetbuf opt;
SInt32 error;
typedef struct TUDErr TUDErr;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to the OptionManagement call to read or set protocol
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TOptMgmt
TNetbuf opt;
OTFlags flags;
typedef struct TOptMgmt TOptMgmt;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to SndRequest and RcvRequest that contains the information
about the request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TRequest
TNetbuf data;
TNetbuf opt;
OTSequence sequence;
typedef struct TRequest TRequest;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to SndReply to send a reply to an incoming request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TReply
TNetbuf data;
TNetbuf opt;
OTSequence sequence;
typedef struct TReply TReply;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to SndURequest and RcvURequest that contains the information
about the request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TUnitRequest
TNetbuf addr;
TNetbuf opt;
TNetbuf udata;
OTSequence sequence;
typedef struct TUnitRequest TUnitRequest;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure passed to SndUReply to send a reply to an incoming request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TUnitReply
TNetbuf opt;
TNetbuf udata;
OTSequence sequence;
typedef struct TUnitReply TUnitReply;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TRegisterRequest
TNetbuf name;
TNetbuf addr;
OTFlags flags;
typedef struct TRegisterRequest TRegisterRequest;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TRegisterReply
TNetbuf addr;
OTNameID nameid;
typedef struct TRegisterReply TRegisterReply;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TLookupRequest
TNetbuf name;
TNetbuf addr;
UInt32 maxcnt;
OTTimeout timeout;
OTFlags flags;
typedef struct TLookupRequest TLookupRequest;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure used by Mapper protocols to return the results of name Lookups
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct TLookupBuffer
UInt16 fAddressLength;
UInt16 fNameLength;
UInt8 fAddressBuffer[1];
typedef struct TLookupBuffer TLookupBuffer;
#define OTNextLookupBuffer(buf) \
((TLookupBuffer*) \
((char*)buf + ((offsetof(TLookupBuffer, fAddressBuffer) + buf->fAddressLength + buf->fNameLength + 3) & ~3)))
struct TLookupReply
TNetbuf names;
UInt32 rspcount;
typedef struct TLookupReply TLookupReply;
** C Interfaces to Open Transport
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initializing and shutting down Open Transport
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern pascal OSStatus InitOpenTransport(void);
extern pascal OSStatus InitOpenTransportUtilities(void);
extern pascal void CloseOpenTransport(void);
// This registers yourself as a client for any miscellaneous Open Transport
// notifications that come along. CloseOpenTransport will automatically do
// an OTUnregisterAsClient, if you have not already done so.
extern pascal OSStatus OTRegisterAsClient(OTClientName name, OTNotifyProcPtr proc);
extern pascal OSStatus OTUnregisterAsClient(void);
#endif /* !OTKERNEL */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tasking model routines
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// These are normally used by the kernel to tell Open Transport we're
// at interrupt time.
extern pascal void OTEnterInterrupt(void);
extern pascal void OTLeaveInterrupt(void);
* Function definition to handle process routine callbacks
* This is never a UniversalProcPtr.
typedef pascal void (*OTProcessProcPtr)(void* arg);
extern pascal long OTCreateDeferredTask(OTProcessProcPtr proc, void* arg);
extern pascal Boolean OTScheduleDeferredTask(long dtCookie);
extern pascal Boolean OTScheduleInterruptTask(long dtCookie);
extern pascal OSStatus OTDestroyDeferredTask(long dtCookie);
extern pascal long OTCreateSystemTask(OTProcessProcPtr proc, void* arg);
extern pascal OSStatus OTDestroySystemTask(long stCookie);
extern pascal Boolean OTScheduleSystemTask(long stCookie);
extern pascal Boolean OTCancelSystemTask(long stCookie);
extern pascal Boolean OTCanMakeSyncCall(void);
#endif /* !OTKERNEL */
extern Boolean OTIsAtInterruptLevel(void);
extern Boolean OTCanLoadLibraries(void);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions for dealing with port
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Index through the ports in the system
extern pascal Boolean OTGetIndexedPort(OTPortRecord* record, size_t index);
// Find an OTPortRecord for a port using it's name
extern pascal Boolean OTFindPort(OTPortRecord* record, const char* portName);
// Find an OTPortRecord for a port using it's OTPortRef
extern pascal Boolean OTFindPortByRef(OTPortRecord* record, OTPortRef ref);
// Register a port. The name the port was registered under is returned in
// the fPortName field.
extern OSStatus OTRegisterPort(OTPortRecord* portInfo, void* ref);
// Unregister the port with the given name (If you re-register the
// port, it may get a different name - use OTChangePortState if
// that is not desireable). Since a single OTPortRef can be registered
// with several names, the API needs to use the portName rather than
// the OTPortRef to disambiguate.
extern OSStatus OTUnregisterPort(const char* portName, void**);
// Change the state of the port.
extern OSStatus OTChangePortState(OTPortRef, OTEventCode theChange, OTResult why);
#endif /* !OTKERNEL */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interface to providers
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern pascal OSStatus OTAsyncOpenProvider(OTConfiguration*, OTOpenFlags,
OTNotifyProcPtr, void*);
extern pascal ProviderRef OTOpenProvider(OTConfiguration*, OTOpenFlags, OSStatus*);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCloseProvider(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal ProviderRef OTTransferProviderOwnership(ProviderRef ref,
OTClient prevOwner,
OSStatus* errPtr);
extern pascal OTClient OTWhoAmI(void);
extern pascal OTPortRef OTGetProviderPortRef(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal SInt32 OTIoctl(ProviderRef ref, UInt32 cmd, void* data);
extern pascal OTResult OTGetMessage(ProviderRef ref, struct strbuf* ctlbuf,
struct strbuf* databuf, OTFlags*);
extern pascal OTResult OTGetPriorityMessage(ProviderRef ref, struct strbuf* ctlbuf,
struct strbuf* databuf, OTBand*, OTFlags*);
extern pascal OSStatus OTPutMessage(ProviderRef ref, const struct strbuf* ctlbuf,
const struct strbuf* databuf, OTFlags flags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTPutPriorityMessage(ProviderRef ref, const struct strbuf* ctlbuf,
const struct strbuf* databuf, OTBand, OTFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSetAsynchronous(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSetSynchronous(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal Boolean OTIsSynchronous(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSetBlocking(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSetNonBlocking(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal Boolean OTIsBlocking(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTInstallNotifier(ProviderRef ref,
OTNotifyProcPtr proc, void* contextPtr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTUseSyncIdleEvents(ProviderRef ref, Boolean useEvents);
extern pascal void OTRemoveNotifier(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal void OTLeaveNotifier(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal Boolean OTEnterNotifier(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTAckSends(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTDontAckSends(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal Boolean OTIsAckingSends(ProviderRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCancelSynchronousCalls(ProviderRef ref, OSStatus err);
#define OTIsNonBlocking(ref) (!OTIsBlocking(ref))
#define OTIsAsynchronous(ref) (!OTIsSynchronous(ref))
#endif /* !OTKERNEL */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interface to endpoints
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Open/Close
extern pascal EndpointRef
OTOpenEndpoint(OTConfiguration* config, OTOpenFlags oflag,
TEndpointInfo* info, OSStatus* err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(OTConfiguration* config,
OTOpenFlags oflag, TEndpointInfo* info,
OTNotifyProcPtr proc, void* contextPtr);
// Misc Information
extern pascal OSStatus OTGetEndpointInfo(EndpointRef ref, TEndpointInfo* info);
extern pascal OTResult OTGetEndpointState(EndpointRef ref);
extern pascal OTResult OTLook(EndpointRef ref);
extern pascal OTResult OTSync(EndpointRef ref);
extern pascal OTResult OTCountDataBytes(EndpointRef ref, size_t* countPtr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTGetProtAddress(EndpointRef ref, TBind* boundAddr,
TBind* peerAddr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTResolveAddress(EndpointRef ref, TBind* reqAddr,
TBind* retAddr, OTTimeout timeOut);
// Allocating structures
extern pascal void* OTAlloc(EndpointRef ref, OTStructType structType,
UInt32 fields, OSStatus* err);
extern pascal OTResult OTFree(void* ptr, OTStructType structType);
// Option management
extern pascal OSStatus OTOptionManagement(EndpointRef ref, TOptMgmt* req, TOptMgmt* ret);
// Bind/Unbind
extern pascal OSStatus OTBind(EndpointRef ref, TBind* reqAddr, TBind* retAddr);
extern pascal OSStatus OTUnbind(EndpointRef ref);
// Connection creation/tear-down
extern pascal OSStatus OTConnect(EndpointRef ref, TCall* sndCall, TCall* rcvCall);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvConnect(EndpointRef ref, TCall* call);
extern pascal OSStatus OTListen(EndpointRef ref, TCall* call);
extern pascal OSStatus OTAccept(EndpointRef ref, EndpointRef resRef, TCall* call);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSndDisconnect(EndpointRef ref, TCall* call);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSndOrderlyDisconnect(EndpointRef ref);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvDisconnect(EndpointRef ref, TDiscon* discon);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(EndpointRef ref);
// Connection-oriented send/receive
extern pascal OTResult OTRcv(EndpointRef ref, void* buf, size_t nbytes, OTFlags* flags);
extern pascal OTResult OTSnd(EndpointRef ref, void* buf, size_t nbytes, OTFlags flags);
// non-connection oriented send/receive
extern pascal OSStatus OTSndUData(EndpointRef ref, TUnitData* udata);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvUData(EndpointRef ref, TUnitData* udata, OTFlags* flags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvUDErr(EndpointRef ref, TUDErr* uderr);
// Connection-oriented transactions
extern pascal OSStatus OTSndRequest(EndpointRef ref, TRequest* req, OTFlags reqFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvReply(EndpointRef ref, TReply* reply, OTFlags* replyFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSndReply(EndpointRef ref, TReply* reply, OTFlags replyFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvRequest(EndpointRef ref, TRequest* req, OTFlags* reqFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCancelRequest(EndpointRef ref, OTSequence sequence);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCancelReply(EndpointRef ref, OTSequence sequence);
// Connectionless transactions
extern pascal OSStatus OTSndURequest(EndpointRef ref, TUnitRequest* req, OTFlags reqFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvUReply(EndpointRef ref, TUnitReply* reply, OTFlags* replyFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTSndUReply(EndpointRef ref, TUnitReply* reply, OTFlags replyFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRcvURequest(EndpointRef ref, TUnitRequest* req, OTFlags* reqFlags);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCancelURequest(EndpointRef ref, OTSequence seq);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCancelUReply(EndpointRef ref, OTSequence seq);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interface to mappers
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern pascal OSStatus OTAsyncOpenMapper(OTConfiguration* config, OTOpenFlags oflag,
OTNotifyProcPtr proc, void* contextPtr);
extern pascal MapperRef OTOpenMapper(OTConfiguration* config, OTOpenFlags oflag,
OSStatus* err);
extern pascal OSStatus OTRegisterName(MapperRef ref, TRegisterRequest* req,
TRegisterReply* reply);
extern pascal OSStatus OTDeleteName(MapperRef ref, TNetbuf* name);
extern pascal OSStatus OTDeleteNameByID(MapperRef ref, OTNameID nameID);
extern pascal OSStatus OTLookupName(MapperRef ref, TLookupRequest* req,
TLookupReply* reply);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miscellaneous and generic functions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern void* OTAllocMem(size_t);
extern void OTFreeMem(void*);
extern pascal void OTDelay(UInt32 seconds);
extern pascal void OTIdle(void);
extern pascal OTConfiguration*
OTCreateConfiguration(const char* path);
extern pascal OTConfiguration*
OTCloneConfiguration(OTConfiguration* cfig);
extern pascal void OTDestroyConfiguration(OTConfiguration* cfig);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCreateOptions(const char* endPtName, char** strPtr,
TNetbuf* buf);
extern pascal OSStatus OTCreateOptionString(const char* endPtName, TOption** opt,
void* bufEnd, char* string,
size_t stringSize);
extern pascal OSStatus OTNextOption(UInt8* buffer, UInt32 buflen,
TOption** prevOptPtr);
extern pascal TOption* OTFindOption(UInt8* buffer, UInt32 buflen,
OTXTILevel level, OTXTIName name);
#endif /* !OTKERNEL */
** Open Transport Utility routines
** These routines are available to both client and kernel
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Memory functions
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern void OTMemcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t nBytes);
extern Boolean OTMemcmp(const void* mem1, const void* mem2, size_t nBytes);
extern void OTMemmove(void* dest, const void* src, size_t nBytes);
extern void OTMemzero(void* dest, size_t nBytes);
extern void OTMemset(void* dest, uchar_p toSet, size_t nBytes);
extern size_t OTStrLength(const char*);
extern void OTStrCopy(char*, const char*);
extern void OTStrCat(char*, const char*);
extern Boolean OTStrEqual(const char*, const char*);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Time functions
** OTGetTimeStamp returns time in "tick" numbers, stored in 64 bits.
** This timestamp can be used as a base number for calculating elapsed
** time.
** OTSubtractTimeStamps returns a pointer to the "result" parameter.
** OTGetClockTimeInSecs returns time since Open Transport was initialized
** in seconds.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UnsignedWide OTTimeStamp;
extern void OTGetTimeStamp(OTTimeStamp*);
extern OTTimeStamp* OTSubtractTimeStamps(OTTimeStamp* result, OTTimeStamp* start,
OTTimeStamp* end);
extern UInt32 OTTimeStampInMilliseconds(OTTimeStamp* delta);
extern UInt32 OTTimeStampInMicroseconds(OTTimeStamp* delta);
extern UInt32 OTElapsedMilliseconds(OTTimeStamp* startTime);
extern UInt32 OTElapsedMicroseconds(OTTimeStamp* startTime);
extern UInt32 OTGetClockTimeInSecs(void);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** These are functions to implement a LIFO list that is interrupt-safe.
** The only function which is not is OTReverseList. Normally, you create
** a LIFO list, populate it at interrupt time, and then use OTLIFOStealList
** to atomically remove the list, and OTReverseList to flip the list so that
** it is a FIFO list, which tends to be more useful.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct OTLink OTLink;
typedef struct OTLIFO OTLIFO;
struct OTLink
OTLink* fNext;
#ifdef __cplusplus
void Init()
{ fNext = NULL; }
// This function puts "object" on the listHead, and places the
// previous value at listHead into the pointer at "object" plus
// linkOffset.
extern void OTEnqueue(void** listHead, void* object, size_t linkOffset);
// This function returns the head object of the list, and places
// the pointer at "object" + linkOffset into the listHead
extern void* OTDequeue(void** listHead, size_t linkOffset);
// This function atomically enqueues the link onto the list
extern void OTLIFOEnqueue(OTLIFO* list, OTLink* link);
// This function atomically dequeues the first element
// on the list
extern OTLink* OTLIFODequeue(OTLIFO* list);
// This function atomically empties the list and returns a
// pointer to the first element on the list
extern OTLink* OTLIFOStealList(OTLIFO* list);
// This function reverses a list that was stolen by
// OTLIFOStealList. It is NOT atomic. It returns the
// new starting list.
extern OTLink* OTReverseList(OTLink*);
struct OTLIFO
OTLink* fHead;
#ifdef __cplusplus
void Init()
{ fHead = NULL; }
void Enqueue(OTLink* link)
{ OTLIFOEnqueue(this, link); }
OTLink* Dequeue()
{ return OTLIFODequeue(this); }
OTLink* StealList()
{ return OTLIFOStealList(this); }
Boolean IsEmpty()
{ return fHead == NULL; }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** OTList
** An OTList is a non-interrupt-safe list, but has more features than the
** OTLIFO list. It is a standard singly-linked list.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct OTList OTList;
* Function definition to handle notification from providers
* For PowerPC, this should never be a UniversalProcPtr.
* For standard 68K runtime, this should never be a UniversalProcPtr.
* For CFM68K, it MUST be a UniversalProcPtr.
typedef Boolean (*OTListSearchProcPtr)(const void* ref, OTLink* linkToCheck);
// Add the link to the list at the front
extern void OTAddFirst(OTList* list, OTLink* link);
// Add the link to the list at the end
extern void OTAddLast(OTList* list, OTLink* link);
// Remove the first link from the list
extern OTLink* OTRemoveFirst(OTList* list);
// Remove the last link from the list
extern OTLink* OTRemoveLast(OTList* list);
// Return the first link from the list
extern OTLink* OTGetFirst(OTList* list);
// Return the last link from the list
extern OTLink* OTGetLast(OTList* list);
// Return true if the link is present in the list
extern Boolean OTIsInList(OTList* list, OTLink* link);
// Find a link in the list which matches the search criteria
// established by the search proc and the refPtr. This is done
// by calling the search proc, passing it the refPtr and each
// link in the list, until the search proc returns true.
// NULL is returned if the search proc never returned true.
extern OTLink* OTFindLink(OTList* list, OTListSearchProcPtr proc, const void* refPtr);
// Remove the specified link from the list, returning true if it was found
extern Boolean OTRemoveLink(OTList*, OTLink*);
// Similar to OTFindLink, but it also removes it from the list.
extern OTLink* OTFindAndRemoveLink(OTList* list, OTListSearchProcPtr proc, const void* refPtr);
// Return the "index"th link in the list
extern OTLink* OTGetIndexedLink(OTList* list, size_t index);
struct OTList
OTLink* fHead;
#ifdef __cplusplus
void Init()
{ fHead = NULL; }
Boolean IsEmpty()
{ return fHead == NULL; }
void AddFirst(OTLink* link)
{ OTAddFirst(this, link); }
void AddLast(OTLink* link)
{ OTAddLast(this, link); }
OTLink* GetFirst()
{ return OTGetFirst(this); }
OTLink* GetLast()
{ return OTGetLast(this); }
OTLink* RemoveFirst()
{ return OTRemoveFirst(this); }
OTLink* RemoveLast()
{ return OTRemoveLast(this); }
Boolean IsInList(OTLink* link)
{ return OTIsInList(this, link); }
OTLink* FindLink(OTListSearchProcPtr proc, const void* ref)
{ return OTFindLink(this, proc, ref); }
Boolean RemoveLink(OTLink* link)
{ return OTRemoveLink(this, link); }
OTLink* RemoveLink(OTListSearchProcPtr proc, const void* ref)
{ return OTFindAndRemoveLink(this, proc, ref); }
OTLink* GetIndexedLink(size_t index)
{ return OTGetIndexedLink(this, index); }
#define OTGetLinkObject(link, struc, field) \
((struc*)((char*)(link) - offsetof(struc, field)))
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Atomic Operations
** The Bit operations return the previous value of the bit (0 or non-zero).
** The memory pointed to must be a single byte and only bits 0 through 7 are
** valid. Bit 0 corresponds to a mask of 0x01, and Bit 7 to a mask of 0x80.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef UInt8 OTLock;
#pragma parameter __D0 OTAtomicSetBit(__A0, __D0)
Boolean OTAtomicSetBit(UInt8*, size_t) =
0x01d0, 0x56c0, /* bset.b d0,(a0); sne d0 */
0x7201, 0xc081 /* moveq #1,d1; and.l d1,d0 */
#pragma parameter __D0 OTAtomicClearBit(__A0, __D0)
Boolean OTAtomicClearBit(UInt8*, size_t) =
0x0190, 0x56c0, /* bclr.b d0,(a0); sne d0 */
0x7201, 0xc081 /* moveq #1,d1; and.l d1,d0 */
#pragma parameter __D0 OTAtomicTestBit(__A0, __D0)
Boolean OTAtomicTestBit(UInt8*, size_t) =
0x0110, 0x56c0, /* btst.b d0,(a0); sne d0 */
0x7201, 0xc081 /* moveq #1,d1; and.l d1,d0 */
#pragma parameter __D0 OTCompareAndSwapPtr(__D0, __D1, __A0)
Boolean OTCompareAndSwapPtr(void*, void*, void**) =
0x0ed0, 0x0040, /* cas.l d0,d1,(a0) */
0x57c0, /* seq d0 */
0x7201, 0xc081 /* moveq #1,d1; and.l d1,d0 */
#pragma parameter __D0 OTCompareAndSwap32(__D0, __D1, __A0)
Boolean OTCompareAndSwap32(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32*) =
0x0ed0, 0x0040, /* cas.l d0,d1,(a0) */
0x57c0, /* seq d0 */
0x7201, 0xc081 /* moveq #1,d1; and.l d1,d0 */
#pragma parameter __D0 OTCompareAndSwap16(__D0, __D1, __A0)
Boolean OTCompareAndSwap16(UInt32, UInt32, UInt16*) =
0x0cd0, 0x0040, /* cas.w d0,d1,(a0) */
0x57c0, /* seq d0 */
0x7201, 0xc081 /* moveq #1,d1; and.l d1,d0 */
#pragma parameter __D0 OTCompareAndSwap8(__D0, __D1, __A0)
Boolean OTCompareAndSwap8(UInt32, UInt32, UInt8*) =
0x0ad0, 0x0040, /* cas.b d0,d1,(a0) */
0x57c0, /* seq d0 */
0x7201, 0xc081 /* moveq #1,d1; and.l d1,d0 */
#pragma parameter __D0 OTAtomicAdd32(__D0, __A0)
SInt32 OTAtomicAdd32(SInt32, SInt32*) =
0x2240, /* move.l d0,a1 */
0x2210, /*@1 move.l (a0),d1 */
0x2001, /* move.l d1,d0 */
0xd089, /* add.l a1,d0 */
0x0ed0, 0x0001, /* cas.l d1,d0,(a0) */
0x66f4 /* bne.s @1 */
extern Boolean OTAtomicSetBit(UInt8*, size_t);
extern Boolean OTAtomicClearBit(UInt8*, size_t);
extern Boolean OTAtomicTestBit(UInt8*, size_t);
// WARNING! void* and UInt32 locations MUST be on 4-byte boundaries.
// UInt16 locations must not cross a 4-byte boundary.
extern Boolean OTCompareAndSwapPtr(void* oldValue, void* newValue, void** location);
extern Boolean OTCompareAndSwap32(UInt32 oldValue, UInt32 newValue, UInt32* location);
extern Boolean OTCompareAndSwap16(UInt32 oldValue, UInt32 newValue, UInt16* location);
extern Boolean OTCompareAndSwap8(UInt32 oldValue, UInt32 newValue, UInt8* location);
// WARNING! UInt32 locations MUST be on 4-byte boundaries.
// UInt16 locations must not cross a 4-byte boundary.
extern SInt32 OTAtomicAdd32(SInt32, SInt32*);
extern SInt16 OTAtomicAdd16(SInt32, SInt16*);
extern SInt8 OTAtomicAdd8(SInt32, SInt8*);
#define OTClearLock(lockPtr) *(lockPtr) = 0
#define OTAcquireLock(lockPtr) (OTAtomicSetBit(lockPtr, 0) == 0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
** FROM HERE ON DOWN ARE THE C++ Interfaces to Open Transport
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLASS TProvider
This class provides the client interface to a Stream. Typically, clients
talk to an object (or glue code in front of the object) that is a subclass
of TProvider.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class TProvider
void* operator new(size_t) { return NULL; }
void operator delete(void*) {}
// This is the public interface to a TProvider. All other public
// methods normally come from the subclass.
OSStatus Close() { return OTCloseProvider(this); }
OSStatus SetNonBlocking() { return OTSetNonBlocking(this); }
OSStatus SetBlocking() { return OTSetBlocking(this); }
Boolean IsBlocking() { return OTIsBlocking(this); }
Boolean IsNonBlocking() { return !OTIsBlocking(this); }
OSStatus SetSynchronous() { return OTSetSynchronous(this); }
OSStatus SetAsynchronous() { return OTSetAsynchronous(this); }
Boolean IsSynchronous() { return OTIsSynchronous(this); }
Boolean IsAsynchronous() { return !OTIsSynchronous(this); }
OSStatus AckSends() { return OTAckSends(this); }
OSStatus DontAckSends() { return OTDontAckSends(this); }
Boolean IsAckingSends() { return OTIsAckingSends(this); }
void CancelSynchronousCalls(OSStatus err)
{ (void)OTCancelSynchronousCalls(this, err); }
OSStatus InstallNotifier(OTNotifyProcPtr proc, void* ptr)
{ return OTInstallNotifier(this, proc, ptr); }
OSStatus UseSyncIdleEvents()
{ return OTUseSyncIdleEvents(this, true); }
OSStatus DontUseSyncIdleEvents()
{ return OTUseSyncIdleEvents(this, false); }
void RemoveNotifier()
{ OTRemoveNotifier(this); }
Boolean EnterNotifier()
{ return OTEnterNotifier(this); }
void LeaveNotifier()
{ OTLeaveNotifier(this); }
OTPortRef GetOTPortRef()
{ return OTGetProviderPortRef(this); }
ProviderRef TransferOwnership(OTClient prevOwner, OSStatus* errPtr)
{ return OTTransferProviderOwnership(this, prevOwner, errPtr); }
SInt32 Ioctl(UInt32 cmd, void* data)
{ return OTIoctl(this, cmd, data); }
SInt32 Ioctl(UInt32 cmd, long data)
{ return OTIoctl(this, cmd, (void*)data); }
OTResult GetMessage(struct strbuf* ctlbuf, struct strbuf* databuf, OTFlags* flagPtr)
{ return OTGetMessage(this, ctlbuf, databuf, flagPtr); }
OTResult GetPriorityMessage(struct strbuf* ctlbuf, struct strbuf* databuf,
OTBand* bandPtr, OTFlags* flagPtr)
{ return OTGetPriorityMessage(this, ctlbuf, databuf, bandPtr, flagPtr); }
OSStatus PutMessage(const struct strbuf* ctlbuf, const struct strbuf* databuf,
OTFlags flags)
{ return OTPutMessage(this, ctlbuf, databuf, flags); }
OSStatus PutPriorityMessage(const struct strbuf* ctlbuf, const struct strbuf* databuf,
OTBand band, OTFlags flags)
{ return OTPutPriorityMessage(this, ctlbuf, databuf, band, flags); }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class TEndpoint
This class is the interface to all TPI modules, which constitute the
vast majority of protocols, with the exception of link-layer protocols.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class TEndpoint : public TProvider
// Miscellaneous informative functions
OSStatus GetEndpointInfo(TEndpointInfo* info)
{ return OTGetEndpointInfo(this, info); }
OSStatus GetProtAddress(TBind* boundAddr, TBind* peerAddr)
{ return OTGetProtAddress(this, boundAddr, peerAddr); }
OSStatus ResolveAddress(TBind* reqAddr, TBind* retAddr, OTTimeout timeout)
{ return OTResolveAddress(this, reqAddr, retAddr, timeout); }
OTResult GetEndpointState()
{ return OTGetEndpointState(this); }
OTResult Look()
{ return OTLook(this); }
OTResult Sync()
{ return OTSync(this); }
// Allocating structures
void* Alloc(OTStructType structType, UInt32 fields, OSStatus* err = NULL)
{ return OTAlloc(this, structType, fields, err); }
OTResult Free(void* ptr, OTStructType structType)
{ return OTFree(ptr, structType); }
// Option Management
OSStatus OptionManagement(TOptMgmt* req, TOptMgmt* ret)
{ return OTOptionManagement(this, req, ret); }
// Bind/Unbind
OSStatus Bind(TBind* reqAddr, TBind* retAddr)
{ return OTBind(this, reqAddr, retAddr); }
OSStatus Unbind()
{ return OTUnbind(this); }
// Connection creation and tear-down
OSStatus Connect(TCall* sndCall, TCall* rcvCall)
{ return OTConnect(this, sndCall, rcvCall); }
OSStatus RcvConnect(TCall* call)
{ return OTRcvConnect(this, call); }
OSStatus Listen(TCall* call)
{ return OTListen(this, call); }
OSStatus Accept(EndpointRef resRef, TCall* call)
{ return OTAccept(this, resRef, call); }
OSStatus SndDisconnect(TCall* call)
{ return OTSndDisconnect(this, call); }
OSStatus SndOrderlyDisconnect()
{ return OTSndOrderlyDisconnect(this); }
OSStatus RcvDisconnect(TDiscon* discon)
{ return OTRcvDisconnect(this, discon); }
OSStatus RcvOrderlyDisconnect()
{ return OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(this); }
// Connection-oriented data transfer
OTResult Snd(void* buf, size_t nbytes, OTFlags flags)
{ return OTSnd(this, buf, nbytes, flags); }
OTResult Rcv(void* buf, size_t nbytes, OTFlags* flagP)
{ return OTRcv(this, buf, nbytes, flagP); }
// Non-connection-oriented data transfer
OSStatus SndUData(TUnitData* udata)
{ return OTSndUData(this, udata); }
OSStatus RcvUData(TUnitData* udata, OTFlags* flagP)
{ return OTRcvUData(this, udata, flagP); }
OSStatus RcvUDErr(TUDErr* uderr)
{ return OTRcvUDErr(this, uderr); }
// Connection-oriented transactions
OSStatus SndRequest(TRequest* req, OTFlags reqFlags)
{ return OTSndRequest(this, req, reqFlags); }
OSStatus RcvReply(TReply* reply, OTFlags* replyFlags)
{ return OTRcvReply(this, reply, replyFlags); }
OSStatus SndReply(TReply* reply, OTFlags flags)
{ return OTSndReply(this, reply, flags); }
OSStatus RcvRequest(TRequest* req, OTFlags* flags)
{ return OTRcvRequest(this, req, flags); }
OSStatus CancelRequest(OTSequence seq)
{ return OTCancelRequest(this, seq); }
OSStatus CancelReply(OTSequence seq)
{ return OTCancelReply(this, seq); }
// Non-connection-oriented transactions
OSStatus SndURequest(TUnitRequest* req, OTFlags reqFlags)
{ return OTSndURequest(this, req, reqFlags); }
OSStatus RcvUReply(TUnitReply* reply, OTFlags* replyFlags)
{ return OTRcvUReply(this, reply, replyFlags); }
OSStatus SndUReply(TUnitReply* reply, OTFlags flags)
{ return OTSndUReply(this, reply, flags); }
OSStatus RcvURequest(TUnitRequest* req, OTFlags* flags)
{ return OTRcvURequest(this, req, flags); }
OSStatus CancelURequest(OTSequence seq)
{ return OTCancelURequest(this, seq); }
OSStatus CancelUReply(OTSequence seq)
{ return OTCancelUReply(this, seq); }
// Miscellaneous functions
OTResult CountDataBytes(size_t* countPtr)
{ return OTCountDataBytes(this, countPtr); }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This class is the interface to naming protocols.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class TMapper : public TProvider
OSStatus RegisterName(TRegisterRequest* req, TRegisterReply* reply)
{ return OTRegisterName(this, req, reply); }
OSStatus DeleteName(TNetbuf* name)
{ return OTDeleteName(this, name); }
OSStatus DeleteName(OTNameID id)
{ return OTDeleteNameByID(this, id); }
OSStatus LookupName(TLookupRequest* req, TLookupReply* reply)
{ return OTLookupName(this, req, reply); }
#endif /* OTKERNEL */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#if GENERATING68K && defined(__MWERKS__)
#pragma pointers_in_A0
#endif /* __OPENTRANSPORT__ */